Ca’ Navagero, was the historical domicile of the aristocratic Navagero family. From the end of the 1300’s this family provided Venice with many important politicians, ambassadors, writers and historians, one of them being Andrea Navagero. He was very important in the cultural history of Renaissance Venice. The palazzo has origins dating as far back as 1400 and is represented in a famous painting of Jacopo De Barbari from 1500.
Between the 17th and 18th centuries the palazzo underwent transformations but continues to withhold its original aristocratic charm. Still today, the palace is home to artistic and architectural master works. The façade with its arches built in the 1400’s, the balcony, the entrance hall, the wooden ceilings and the inner court with its fountain decorated with the Navagero family crest are a few examples.
The restored and renovated Palazzo welcomes its guests exuding fascination, charm, elegance, and a great feeling of history. Situated on the Riva degli Schiavoni across from the Island of San Giorgio the Palazzo offers our guests an impressive view of the Laguna, the Doges’ Palace (Palazzo Ducale), the Grand Canal (Canal Grande) the Church of St Mary of Salvation (Santa Maria della Salute), the canal of the Giudecca and the Church of the Palladio dating from the 500’s. The view also includes the Islands of S. Servolo, Armeni, and the Lido of Venice that meets with the gardens of Castello where the international exposition of the Biennale and S. Elena are located.

In our Palazzo, you truly live in the heart of Venice.